How To Properly Store Your Produce

Summer is here! And that means that seasonal fruit and vegetables are coming. Not only is it best to prepare your tastebuds, but also your storage solutions to keep food fresher longer.

One of the biggest producers of greenhouse gases, which contributes to climate change is food waste. That’s why it’s up to each of us to make individual changes, so we can put an end to the problem together.

Seasonal fruits and vegetables can be a bit tricky to store. You want them to last as long as possible, but you also want them to maintain their fresh taste and texture. There’s also no one-size-fits-all kind of solution. That’s why we’ve made a list of some of Spring’s most popular seasonal fruits and vegetables, and a handy guide on how to store them properly in your fridge and freezer.

1. Spinach

These leafy greens are high in iron and nutritious addition to so many dishes. Spring is the peak season for spinach, so you’ll find an abundance at your local markets. The best way to store spinach in the fridge is with our VentSmart 4,4l container. Place it in your VentSmart containers and choose the appropriate control airflow, so your spinach stays fresher for longer. Store your spinach towards the bottom and back of your vegetable drawers, to keep it cool and away from harsh light. If you plan on freezing your spinach, wash it thoroughly and then rinse. Dry it completely and place it in your Freezer Mates containers, no plastic bags necessary, and freeze.

2. Leeks

Leeks are at their prime until the end of Spring, so you want to make the most of that. However, they can have a strong smell you don't want to be transferred to other foods in your fridge. Store them in our VentSmart container unwashed and untrimmed to help maintain moisture. Following the handy guide on the side of the container, simply adjust the vents and pop them in the fridge. You can keep them towards the front of the fridge or in the drawers. You can also freeze leeks, although this will affect the taste and texture. Simply blanch for a couple of minutes, pop into a Freezer Mates container, and store.

3. Horseradish

To preserve the distinctive flavour of horseradish, store it in an airtight container. The VentSmart collection’s special seal will make sure your horseradish is kept moisture and air-free. You can keep it in the fridge for up to 6 months, and even longer in the freezer.

4. Butterhead lettuce

The thicker leaves of the butterhead lettuce give it a distinctive taste and texture. Since it’s only available a few months of the year, you need to store it properly to make the most out of it. The key is to keep it free from moisture. Wash, rinse and dry thoroughly, and then place in your VentSmart container with vents open.

5. Stawberries

Who doesn’t love some good strawberries? Strawberries are sweetest and juiciest come spring through summer. The trick to storing them is to keep them dry and cold so that they don’t get soft and moldy. When you bring them home and after rinsing, lay them out on a paper towel to dry. Grab your VentSmart container, and transfer the strawberries. Close the lid, check the handy little guide on the side, and open the vents accordingly. Store towards the back of the fridge, so the temperature stays consistent and the strawberries stay as dry as possible.

6. Sweet cherries

Cherries can spoil quickly if not stored properly. They can lose more quality in an hour at room temperature than a whole day in the fridge, so you need to move quickly to get your cherries refrigerated. Don’t wash them before you store them, otherwise their moisture levels will go way out of balance. Simply pop into your VentSmart containers, check the guide and adjust the vents, and store towards the back of the fridge. You can also freeze them with very little effort. Simply spread on baking tray, freeze, and then transfer to a container like our FreezerMates containers, which will make sure the texture of your cherries stays at its best. Pop back in the freezer, and you have a snack that can be enjoyed months after Spring is over.

7. Peaches and nectarines

Juicy, sweet and with a hint of tanginess, it’s no wonder that people love their peaches and nectarines. If your fruit isn’t ripe, store it outside until it’s ripe and then transfer it into a VentSmart container and refrigerate. They’ll keep for up to a week in the fridge.

8. Potatoes

Okay, so potatoes aren’t exactly a Summer exclusive, but as the weather changes, you might also want to change how they’re stored. The key to storing potatoes is to keep them in a cool, dark, dry place, and as the weather gets warmer, this isn’t always easy. Don’t throw them in the fridge though, they definitely don’t belong there! The PotatoSmart storage unit stores your potatoes neatly and fuss-free, and it stows away nicely in small spaces. The vented lid allows for airflow, and the dark container keeps your potatoes cool and shielded from any harsh light.

9. Onion and garlic

These are two other all-year-round vegetables which need to be stored differently as the weather warms up. No one likes garlic-gone-green or overgrown onions, so instead of putting them in the fridge or freezer, and having everything absorb the strong smell, store them in the Onion and Garlic Mate. It shields your root vegetables from harsh heat and light, with vents that keep airflow consistent.